Small Groups

Ian –

Small Groups during the week aim to explore how the way of Jesus gets lived out in life today.  While the church’s flagship events are the Sunday Services, Small Groups attempt to accomplish what larger services can’t do.  By conversation, friendship-making, learning more about the Bible’s message together, learning to pray and do the work of Jesus in the world, these groups are a vital part of the church’s work, growth, support and purpose

We do this by making it a fun space through games and activities, focusing on getting solid biblical teaching and small group conversations to encourage our teens to ask questions, learn about God and grow deeper connections with Him and each other, as well as engaging our Lord and Savior in a time of worship.

Want to join in?

Everyone is not only invited, but actually encouraged to join a small group. We believe it’s the best way to grow! Reach out to Pastor Ian, who oversees this ministry, and he can help you get connected somewhere near you.

Corner of Buller Louw Drive & Ou Kaapse Web. Sunny Dale. Cape Town.
Phone | 021 785 4200
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