
Neil Smith | neil@kingofkings.org.za

As Christ-followers we have a clear mandate to spread the Gospel both in our city, and throughout the world. We support a number of missionaries and organisations at King of Kings. Keen to consider a short-term missions trip, or visit one of our supported ministries? We’re excited to see how you can partner with us.  For more info contact Neil.


Each year in August | Look out for information close to the time.

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If you’d like to join in on a missions trip, please connect with Neil to find out where and who with you could serve.

Meet Our Missionaries

Nick & Daisy Muriro

Nick and Daisy are from Zimbabwe and they are missionaries with Youth With A Mission. Their work involves evangelism, discipleship, teaching and training in biblical studies. Their students come from different parts of the world. Nick often travels in Africa, teaching, preaching and training different audiences in the scriptures. Daisy is involved with discipling women from nearby communities.

Willem & Edith Conradie

Willem coordinates Discipling Nations, with Edith assisting, encouraging and accompanying him. Our vision is to mobilise and equip local churches in Africa to make disciples of all nations. Our mission is to provide a dynamic, accessible, affordable and academically attainable short practical training programme to equip God’s people for effective cross-cultural mission, in the context of the local church. Our passion is for local churches to have God’s heart for the least reach peoples, both near and far. Much of our work is now online and with that we could expand to Zambia and Pakistan, besides South Africa, Namibia and Angola where we have been involved for some years already. We also focus on outreach to the Moslem diaspora in Cape Town, especially in Bellville CBD. In all our efforts we focus on teamwork and partnerships. Willem also spends much time with Scripture Union Namibia as chairman of the Board.

Ndimphiwe Landu

Ndimphiwe is married to his wife Unathi, and they have a baby son named Lyakubangcwele. They serve a local community in the Qonce district in the Eastern Cape. He has a passion for subsistence farming and desires to equip and empower the younger generation in agriculture. They have also recently planted a church which we are very excited about!

Valerie-Gail Markowski

I serve at Beautiful Gate South Africa physically located in Philippi here in the Cape Flats. I am in my 18th year serving with them. Beautiful Gate has recently celebrated their 27th anniversary. Beautiful Gate has, like any growing organisation, changed over the years as we follow the direction of the Lord. I’ve worn many hats over the course of the years, all of them wonderful and well meaning for the time I was doing them. Right now I oversee Beautiful Gate’s Charity shop.  It provides a way for local mommas to provide for their families while holding onto their dignity by buying things at a low cost. But, my biggest joy is interacting with families and colleagues. I love praying for them when they enter the shop. I also find much joy as I collect donations & come to know them and pray for those contributing to the shop. I am comfortable as my birthdays build up that my roll at Beautiful Gate changes.  I am thrilled to still be used by God every day. Beautiful Gate South Africa serves our surrounding areas in so many ways.  We are a hub of activities for over 1300 children each week. Not only during the school year but during the school holidays as well. Our dream is to teach parents how to raise Godly children. We strive to influence the children in our area to follow God and become good citizens of South Africa.

Normand & Henriette Saindon

Normand & Henriette are (veteran) missionaries of SIM serving with the RAN (Radio Africa Network) team. They work includes administration work for AbR Media, translation of resources, and helping with RAN and other radio and media projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Grant & Lynne Schaefer

Grant, Lynne, and their family serve God in Mbala, Northern Zambia. Their long-term fruitful ministry has been very impactful. From farming and discipleship to coffee production. They have been industrious in their desire to reach the Zambian people.

Serge & Olivia Razafinjatoniary

Serge and Olivia serve under SIL Africa and Wycliffe as Bible language translaters. Much of the work takes place in Madagascar and Mozambique. They have a passion and calling to make the Bible accessible to as many people groups as possible. They reside in beautiful Cape Town.

Chris & Nancy Maphosa

Chris and Nancy Maphosa are missionaries with SIM in Zimbabwe. They are currently in the process of relocating from Zimbabwe, to be based in Johannesburg, to allow for greater ministry impact. They have three children: Peace, Blessing and Chris jr. Chris is the Project Manager and Coordinator for the Southern Africa Region of the SIM ministry called Today for Tomorrow (T4T). T4T is a children’s ministry and their focus is to reach children in schools, communities and churches as well as to train adults who interact with children. Chris and Nancy are pro-active in expanding the reach of T4T into Zambia and Mozambique while supporting their existing operations in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Swaziland. Chris and Nancy are also pro-active in partnering with individuals and organisations who share their vision of ministering to and investing in the youth of today who will be the church of tomorrow.

Richard & Bernice Anderson

Richard and Bernice Anderson are the Directors of the South African National Office of Chinese Church Support Ministries (CCSM) of which the mandate globally is to serve, strengthen and support the Church and the people of China. We have 9 National offices globally. CCSM provides a track for Christians from South Africa, and around the world to serve in China short- and long-term. CCSM strengthens the Church in China by providing resources free of charge and equips the Church with Bibles and Christian teaching materials. We are also very supportive to the people of China through informed prayer and through mercy projects amongst the poor, needy and orphaned as well as providing free medical care in the rural areas.

John Berry

John Berry is a senior missionary with SIM, currently serving the SIM South Africa office as Stewardship Officer. This includes  fundraising, caring for our 7000 individuals and churches on our database, promoting business as mission and representing SIM when opportunities arise. He has served with SIM for 20 years as Treasurer, and 6 years as Stewardship Officer. He is plannung to serve in Thailand in the near future using English teaching as a means of reaching people with the Gospel.

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